sales page copywriting

Mastering the Art of Sales Page Copywriting: A Guide to the Top Sales Page Copy Templates

December 04, 20238 min read

The Art & Science of Magnetic Sales Pages

It seems as though all the best things in life are a blend of art and science and today’s topic is no different. Crafting sales pages can at first seem like a daunting task but not to worry, we’re here to break it down and make it effortless for you!

The art of a sales page goes beyond the obvious, traditionally artistic elements: your logo, photos, and graphics. The true art of a sales page is the copy. The actual written word on your sales page. And I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t a picture worth a thousand words?”... technically, yes, but a powerfully written sales page can be worth thousands of dollars. 

In many cases, we think a good sales page is more important than a full website. It can certainly drive a lot more sales. In fact, did you know that adjusting headlines on sales pages can increase conversions by more than 100% in some cases?

We also know that feeling of writer’s block when you sit down to write that copy and realize that you know your offer is great but can’t quite get the bones and structure of your sales page right! Luckily for you, we’re pulling out our top 5 sales page copy templates to give you the direction you need to craft a masterful sales page. 

Curious? Let’s dive in!

sales page copywriting

Sales Page Copy 101

The Power Behind Your Profit

Words are powerful but sales copy is a different beast than other writing genres. Afterall, your sales page is like your own personal salesman working tirelessly for you 24/7. They don’t take holidays off, they work overtime, and if trained and given the necessary tools, they have the ability to increase your sales drastically. 

Unfortunately though, just writing from your heart might not be enough. That’s why we love sales page copy templates. They give you a great starting point, get the creative juices flowing, and train your brain on how to think about sales copy. They do take some creativity and effort on your part, don’t get us wrong, they won’t write the copy for you, but they will give you the needed framework to build your copy around. 

The Building Blocks of a Sales Page

Before we get too far down this path, and to avoid putting the cart before the horse, there are some basic elements that you need to fully understand about your business, and your offer, that will make writing your copy so much easier

Firstly, you have to be ultra clear on who you’re talking to.

  • Who is your target audience? 

  • What are their pain points? 

  • What problems can you solve for them? 

  • How quickly can you solve them? 

  • What are their fears? 

  • What did they eat for breakfast?

Okay, maybe not exactly that last one, but you get where we’re going, right

Not having a clear vision of who you’re selling to can make your copy miss the mark and not resonate with the right people. Be sure to think about how your target audience talks about their pain points. What are the exact words you hear them say over and over? Use those words in your copywriting to zero in on their point of view.

Great sales pages include different elements depending on what they’re selling and who they’re selling it to. Start brainstorming what headlines might attract your audience’s attention. What stories do you have from your own life or from your customers' lives that are compelling and can help sell your product? Do you have testimonials that you can share to build trust with your audience? All these elements are important to think about prior to sitting down at your computer to put together your sales copy.

sales page copywriting

Sales Page Copy Templates: Your Blueprint to Breakthrough Conversions

Now for the meat of it, the actual sales page copy templates. Now remember, these are templates only, you have to fill them out, expand on the different areas, and bring them to life! They’re here to give you the scaffolding that you can use to build your sales copy. 

  1. The Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) Template

The name tells you everything you need to know here. The first step with this sales page copy template is to introduce the problem. After you lay out your ideal client's problem, you then poke at it a little by bringing up specific pain points that they have. And finally, you present your offer as the solution to this problem. 

Example: You're selling a time-management app. The problem? Your potential customer struggles with productivity. You agitate by illustrating how their disorganization might lead to missed deadlines and added stress. Finally, you introduce your app as the solution that brings structure to their chaotic schedule.

Niches: This template works wonders for service-based businesses and tech or software companies. 

  1. The Features-Advantages-Benefits (FAB) Template

We’re big on abbreviations, right? They just add a little bit of flair, in our opinion. With the FAB sales page copy template you want to first highlight your products best features. If you’re attracting your ideal customers, they will be immediately interested. Then you fully lay out the advantages that your product offers, and then highlight the benefits that your ideal customer will enjoy by using or buying your product. 

Example: Suppose you're selling a high-end blender. Feature: It has five different speed settings. Advantage: It gives the user precise control over the blending process. Benefit: It enables them to effortlessly make everything from smoothies to soup, enhancing their cooking experience.

Niche: This template shines for physical products, where specific features can lead to distinct, easily identifiable benefits.

  1. The AIDA (Attract, Interest, Desire, Action) Template

This is a classic in the online marketing world, and definitely deserves to be in the top 5. First you attract your ideal customer’s attention with a bold statement to draw them in, stir up their interest a little bit, use that to create a desire for your product, and then nudge them to act upon that new found desire!

Example: You're promoting an online gardening course. Attention: "Ever dreamt of growing your own juicy tomatoes?" Interest: You share enticing details about the course content. Desire: You paint a picture of the joy of harvesting home-grown veggies. Action: A clear call to sign up now.

Niche: The AIDA template can be employed in virtually any niche, but it's particularly effective for courses and digital products.

  1. The Storytelling Template

Story telling isn’t just for your newsletters, if you have a lot of powerful customer testimonials or have a poignant experience to share from your own life, this is the template for your next sales page. Create a narrative around your product using a testimonial, or your own experience, to sell the transformation that your product provides, not just your product. 

Example: If you're selling fitness coaching services, tell a story about a previous client's journey—how they went from feeling sluggish and unhappy to being energetic and confident, all thanks to your coaching.

Niche: The storytelling template works best for personal services, coaching, and any transformational product.

  1. The Before-After-Bridge (BAB) Technique

The BAB technique is similar in concept to the Storytelling technique but is less about specific experiences and positions the transformation in a more generalized way that your ideal client can personally relate to. Paint them a word picture of the before and then the after [depending on your niche add in an actual picture too], then position your product as the bridge between the two. 

Example: You're marketing an ebook on personal finance. Before: The reader is living paycheck to paycheck. After: They're debt-free and investing smartly. Bridge: Your ebook is the guide they need to make that transition.

Niche: The BAB template is versatile but is particularly suited to informational products and self-improvement services.

There’s a little something for everyone with these sales page copy templates and they can be adapted to almost any product type or niche, it just takes a little creativity and a good, in depth understanding of what your product can do for your ideal customer. 

If you’re itching for more ideas to try out, grab our free Sales Page Playbook now! We don't want you to miss this opportunity to revolutionize your sales strategy with our full 14 sales page copy templates [including expanded examples and niche suggestions].


Mastering the Art of Sales Page Copywriting

There’s plenty of ideas here, but the best part about writing and perfecting your sales copy is that you get to play around with different ideas. We highly suggest, especially when launching a new product, that you test different sales page copy templates. 

Most funnel or landing page builders allow you to A/B test two different versions of your sales pages [we know we do in our platform, Social Fox]. This lets you collect real time data on what drives your ideal customer and helps you learn how you can adjust your copy to maximize your conversions. 

If we’ve said it once, we’ve probably shouted it from the rooftops, marketing and sales is all about testing, testing, testing! 

What worked once might now work anymore because as your brand, your ideal customer, and the times change, your messaging needs to adjust also. 

Don’t forget to grab our Sales Page Playbook if you’re ready to keep those creative sales juices flowing!

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