scale your business online

Creating an Effective Strategy to Scale Your Network Marketing Business Online

April 17, 20238 min read

The Benefits of Moving Your Network Marketing Business Online

If you are in the network marketing business chances are that you might have built a good bit of your business “belly-to-belly”, in other words, in person. At least this might have been true before March 2020 when social visits came to a screeching halt. Since that time there’s been quite a bit of scrambling to maintain business visibility and still gain access to new potential customers for network marketing businesses. 

The reality of the network marketing business is that you will eventually run out of your warm market. The digital age has changed the way that network marketing businesses function and has made it easier to increase your reach and find new potential customers. 

Making the move to take your business online allows you to adjust your network marketing strategy to a format that not only provides you with an unlimited amount of leads, but also provides you the ability to create a community. 

That community that you build as part of your new network marketing strategy lets you bring new people into your organization and also affords you the ability to educate and inform your current customer base as well. Because as we know, keeping your current customers active is just as important as bringing in new customers to your business.

Scale Network Marketing Business Online

Using Social Media Platforms to Expand Your Reach and Build Community

While many people who build network marketing businesses don’t have sales or marketing backgrounds, there’s definitely some network marketing strategy that goes into having your business in the online space. 

Social media is projected to be the most popular online marketing channel this year and your network marketing strategy should include utilizing social media platforms to your advantage. A network marketing strategy leveraging social media does take a bit of planning [don’t worry we’ll get to that bit] and can give you access to new leads to build your community and your customer base.

It’s important to remember though, especially in the beginning, you don’t have to be on every social media platform at once. In fact, that’s a sure fire way to get completely burnt out with social media. Focus on one platform and hone your network marketing strategy there. Once you get comfortable with your presence on your first platform, then you can add additional social media platforms to your plate. 

We talked earlier about community building and its importance within your network marketing strategy. If you think about different influencers that you follow, typically you don’t follow them because they talk about great products, right? You follow them because you have common ground. You relate to them in some way and they have earned your trust and loyalty through showing up and building relationships in the online space.

This is what you want for your own business. If you lead with your products or service, you lose the human connection aspect of social media, which is really what everyone is after. People don’t open Instagram to immediately shop, they open Instagram to be entertained and to find like minded people. 

If you think about late night talk shows, for example. When a celebrity comes on to promote their new movie or show, they don’t begin the conversation by telling you when their new movie airs and encouraging you to go see it. They talk about their kids, or a funny story they have, or a crazy situation they got themselves into recently. This is a calculated move on their part [or their PF manager’s part, maybe]. They are building up a level of familiarity and comfort with you as the viewer first. They’re getting you to buy-in to them as a person and only then do they move on and promote their new venture. 

Take this example and run with it when it comes to your own network marketing strategy for social media. Act like a celebrity. Tell your funny story, talk about your life, build the relationship first, then the sales will come. As you focus on creating your community, the cold audience that you started with becomes your warm market for your network marketing business. 

Now, like we mentioned, there is a bit of planning when it comes to your network marketing strategy for the online space so let’s shift our focus there.

Scale Network Marketing Business Online

Creating a Content Marketing Plan for Maximum Exposure

The reason why community building on social media platforms is so important is because people are looking for a place to belong. They are wanting to be seen and understood. This is where the network marketing strategy element comes into play.

You have to understand who you’re talking to with each social post. Who is the ideal client for your business? For many people, their ideal client is a previous version of themselves. Think about where you were a year ago, or two years ago, before you found the product or service that caused a major shift in your life. What were you looking for? What problems were you struggling with? How did you think about or talk about those problems?

These are the details to build into your network marketing strategy that make all the difference when attracting your ideal client. In the marketing world, this is what we refer to as a pain point. A pain point is a problem that your ideal client struggles with and that your product or service can change or fix for them. But not everyone has the same pain points or talks about them in the same way. 

Pay attention to how people talk about their pain point. What words do they use to describe it? Making note of key phrases or feelings makes it easier for you to adjust how you’re speaking to your ideal client to make sure they feel seen and understood. 

Just as you don’t want to be a walking billboard for your product, you don’t want your messaging to come off as one note either. Vary the purpose of your social media content as part of your network marketing strategy. Some of your content needs to be educational to teach people more about their pain point or how your product or service is beneficial. With that said, some of your content also needs to be relatable or inspirational [the goal is to make people feel seen and feel a camaraderie with you, so be authentic]. 

The community that you’re building with your following doesn’t have to live solely on social media though, in fact, your goal should be to convert your followers into subscribers to your email list. In short: You don’t own your social media profile, but you do own your email list. 

If you don’t already have an email list, we go in depth about how to offer a free resource as an incentive for people to subscribe to your list in this article.

Using social media as part of your network marketing strategy opens up so many new potential customers and allows you to expand your warm market but as you sign up new customers, how do you plan on supporting them? Once you convert them into clients, don’t let them get lost in the shuffle of your business. This is where having a system to help you scale your business works wonders. Enter: Social Fox.

Scale Network Marketing Business Online

The Benefits of Using Technology and Automation to Scale Your Network Marketing Business

It’s one thing to bring in a round of new customers, it's another thing entirely to have a system in place to support those customers over the long term. This is the benefit of incorporating an all-in-one marketing system, like Social Fox, into your network marketing strategy. 

Imagine an ecosystem for your business that optimizes communications with your current and potential customers and keeps them engaged with your brand. Social Fox provides that ecosystem which allows you to:

  • Have customers book appointments with you [and automatically get appointment reminders]

  • Send automated emails and text messages from you when someone joins your team, downloads your free guide, or when new promotions launch

  • Provide access to your past and future trainings in your dedicated course library

  • Bring in new potential customers 24/7

Social Fox allows you the space to support your current customers with the educational information and personal communications from you as well as bringing in new potential customers for your business while you sleep. 

An all-in-one system, like Social Fox, also removes the headache of trying to support a team with different services duct taped together. Gone are the days where you need Project Broadcast for texting, MailChimp for email management, Calendly for appointment booking, Squarespace for your website… you see where we’re going here. You can get bogged down in the subscription circus or you can have one system that manages all these aspects of your business and more, under one login.

Social Fox is proud to support a large group of network marketing professionals who are easily scaling their businesses and supporting a growing customer base. Not sure if it’s a good fit? Jump on our calendar to book a live demo call with and see how Social Fox can help you take your network marketing business to the next level!


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