How to Write an About Me Page that Actually Engages People

How to Write an About Me Page that Actually Engages People

July 01, 202310 min read

What is the Purpose of an About Me Page?

I know what you’re thinking… The purpose of an about me page is obvious right? Tell your customers about you or your company. While that is true, customers don’t only want to be told who you are, they want to be shown who you are.

There’s an unfortunate assumption out there that exists for ‘about me’ pages. They have long been seen as a dried up section on everyone’s website that’s, to be honest, boring. What you may not know is that the about me page is one of the most visited pages on a brand’s website. Yes! Hard to believe? Most people think so but when you give it another thought it makes sense. 

About me pages are essentially someone’s first impression of your business. They go there to check your vibe and see what you’re about, so if it comes off as flat and uninspired, yikes! But don’t worry, you’re in the know, because you’re here to learn how to write an about me page that actually engages your audience

The thing with about me pages that a lot of people miss, is that just like the other pages on your website, your about me page is an integral part of your sales copy. After all, if social media influencers have taught us nothing else, it’s the power of letting people get to know you so they feel more comfortable buying from you. So you can think of your about me page as a mini social media platform. People need to be able to read a brief synopsis and find out who you are, what you stand for, and how you can help them. 

Now, there are some caveats there and some potential downfalls, so let’s jump in and give you the details on how to write an about me page that people actually enjoy reading.

make your about me page irresistible

How to Make Your About Me Page Catchy

You now know that the about me page isn’t just a dead page on your website, it’s part of your sales copy so let’s start treating it that way. When you’re sitting down to write sales copy or ad copy, what’s the first thing you think about? Pain points, maybe? Customer transformation? With either one of those options, you aren’t going to come right out of the gate with the hard sell… if you’re smart, you’re using your sales and ad copy to tell your customer a story. It’s the nature of the human condition that we all want to be entertained. This is only getting that much more important as we continuously consume increasing amounts of social media content. When it comes down to it, the best thing you can learn about how to write an about me page is to frame your business journey as an entertaining or engaging story about yourself.

The purpose of your about me page is not only to introduce you [or your company] but also to share your values and help establish trust with your potential customer. When you frame how to write your about me page through the lens of attraction marketing, you’ll know exactly what to say in your story that will resonate with your target audience. You’re using your about me page to attract the exact right customer for your business because you’re using the language they speak and helping them find themselves in your story. If you feel like you’re struggling to identify your target audience and how to speak to their pain points, we go over that in this article about putting together the perfect lead magnet for your online business.

Using storytelling to speak to your ideal client’s pain points isn’t enough on its own though, your story is unique! Make sure that it reads that way! What about your journey makes you different from others that have walked a similar path to yours? Or what about your background would set you apart? There are people out there in the interwebs that are looking for your exact angle on their pain point so make sure you let them know what your exact angle is. 

In addition to highlighting what sets your story about from the masses, make sure that your about me section sounds like you. Now this doesn’t mean it needs to be informal along the lines of text message jargon that you use but if someone who knows you read your about me page, would it sound like you wrote it?

Too often, and under the guise of fitting in, we water ourselves down and end up removing our personality from our online personas. There’s a saying in the marketing world “When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one.” So as you’re learning how to write your about me page, make sure that you are coming through in your writing. Showcase your sense of humor by making a joke or poking fun at yourself. Throw out some tough love if that’s your vibe. Be true to yourself and how you communicate in real life. This is what will resonate with your ideal client. 

When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one. Meredith Hill quote.

If you want to go one step further to make your about me page pop, consider adding video. Most people are very comfortable with short form videos now that we are fully in the age of TikTok, YouTube Shorts, IG Reels, and even Pinterest Idea Pins. Use this to your advantage, especially if you’re really comfortable on video. This is a great way to showcase your personality even more as people can see your mannerisms, hear the inflection and tone of your voice, and see your face. While most people will love to see an about me video offering, some people aren’t into video or are maybe hearing impaired. For people that fall into those categories, make sure you also include your written about me section and add subtitles to your video introduction. This is a good habit to have as some projections say that 80-85% of people consuming social media do so with sound muted.

In summary: As you’re focusing on getting the basics down on how to write your about me page be sure to use storytelling, speak directly to your ideal client, make sure your voice and personality shine through, emphasize what makes you unique, and think about adding a video element to your about me page for increased engagement. 

Optimize Your About Me Page for Views and Engagement

When you’re first learning how to write your about me page it can be hard to know how to structure your page or which elements to include and which to leave out. If you want a guided way to work through and build your about me page, we’ve got you! You can download our free About Me Page Builder Template as a guide to help you build out the perfect about me page offering. 

The first thing you have to decide about how to write an about me page is if you’re going to talk in the first or third person about yourself. There’s benefits to both of these strategies and it really depends on which fits into your brand identity better. For example, having your about me page written in the third person comes across as a bit more formal, like the page was written about you by another person, similar to a biography. If your brand feel is more authoritative or academic this would be a great option for you to build credibility and trust with your audience. 

On the other hand, first person writing comes across as more informal or casual. You can really interject your voice into the copy because you’re writing it from your point of view. This lends itself to more relaxed brands and allows for more relationship building through the telling of your story.


Now this next way to optimize your about me page might be obvious, but be sure to identify yourself with your name and any credentials that you have. Credentials aren’t needed for every business but can be an immediate way to build trust and credibility with your audience. It’s also a good idea to make sure that your about me page is always up to date. Have a new accomplishment that you’ve been called out for recently? Add it to your about me page to give yourself that little pat on the back.

We’ve established that when you’re learning how to write an about me page, you need to prioritize storytelling but the finesse comes when you make your story not really about yourself but about your customer. You want to use your history, background, and story to show your ideal client how you can benefit them. People will buy in to your story and to you, but at the same time, they’re looking to help themselves, so you need to present yourself as their solution. 

Now, some of us could talk about ourselves indefinitely while others struggle to even have a little humble brag about their story or history. There’s definitely a balance needed here. You want to keep your about me page as succinct as possible and generally no more than a couple paragraphs. We also encourage using images [or video as described above] to add some flare and visual depth to your about me page. 

It doesn’t have to be just a business style headshot, unless that’s how you present yourself in your brand. It can be more informal shots with your family, your pets, or a nicely done candid shot that shows your personality or a passion of yours. You are, after all, trying to relate to your audience and create a community, so be a human!

Lastly, when you’re learning how to write an about me page and optimize it for engagement, make sure you add a call to action (CTA)! There are lots of different options of a CTA depending on what your business is, but it could be as simple as reaching out via an on screen chat bubble, or widget, on your page. Since this is likely one of the first places that people come to when they’re getting to your know brand, you don’t want to have a firm CTA to a highly priced offer, so keep your CTA on your about me page for an entry level or free offer [like a lead magnet] that people would feel comfortable with when they’re just getting to know you.


It’s About Providing a Personal Touch…

When push comes to shove, and when learning how to write an about me page, the biggest thing you need to know is that people want to know you

We live in a world where a company’s story and opinions can both attract and repel customers and that’s okay. Companies are becoming increasingly humanized and using their platform and influence to stand up for what their mission is or what their beliefs are. 

By using your about me page to showcase your story, you provide a window into your personality, share how you’re positioned to help your ideal client, and entertain people while building immediate rapport and a community around your brand.

People are statistically much more likely to engage with and purchase from brands that provide  a personal touch and that they relate to. Give the people what they want and use your about me page to truly connect with your audience!

If you want to jump on the express train of learning how to write an about me page, make sure you grab our free About Me Page Builder Template as a guide so you can go step-by-step and write your about me page quickly and effortlessly! 

Now get out there and start connecting with your audience!

About me pageAbout me pages examples About me page templateHow to write an about me pagewhy about me page is importantwhat is about me page
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